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A Light Upon The Shore
From the Pastor's Heart
February 2025
By this point, I know what many of you are thinking and saying about snow. "We've had enough." Snow enthusiasts like myself get the evil eye if we even express our delight or anticipation of more snow. I admit I am more cautious whom I say it around. This last blast of Artic air was enough to chill even the most warm-natured among us. Of all the challenges we face, I don't think global warming ranks in the top 10.
There is one good thing about any weather condition...It will change! Whether it's a heat wave in July or repeated snows in January, it's all temporary. We will survive. As the Bible so often says, " came to pass." Such is the nature of life.
Our trials, whether they be inward or outward, don't come to stay. Like the wind currents from one day to the next, there is a variableness to life. Today's problems may not be tomorrow's and this week's struggle probably won't be next week's. This is a good thing, for may reasons. It causes us to look to God daily, to trust Him for His grace and strength. It also keeps us from becoming lukewarm and complacent in our Christian walk.
Mark Twain gets credited for saying, "Everybody complains about the weather, but nobody does anyting about it." Sadly, many believers just moan about life's circumstances but rarely take any faith action. God expects us to be obedient to do what He has told us in His Word and to trust Him with the rest. We cannot control the weather but we can believe that God will lead us safely through it.
-Pastor Carpenter
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